Logo of the Tarteret Company.

Wood supply in our sawmill

1 – Quality wood purchases

Our sawmill manages by itself the totality of its logs supplies which contain 90% of oak and 10% of diverse hardwoods such as : ash, beech, chestnut, lime-tree, cherry-tree, nannyberry, maple, acacia, alder

Our forestry produces around 20,000 m3 of logs coming from the forests nearby every year.
We purchase products in a 130 km radius around our sawmill. Logs come from Champagne (Aube, Haute-Marne and Marne), Burgundy (Yonne), Ile de France (Seine et Marne) and Centre (Loiret and Cher).

90% of the wood purchased is bought standing through auction sales to producers’ groups, owners associations, forestry experts, ONF (National Forests Office) or directly to the producers.

sawmill france

If you own a wood lot, feel free to contact us

2 – Wood business : logs and sawn timber

Our sawmill offers logs of sliced quality hardwoods, wood staves, beams, and other cuts of diverse hardwoods species. Our logs are showcased in an arranged park of 40,000 m², which make reception easier.

3 – Logging in our wood lots

Since we buy standing tree, we master logging and skidding work operations. These operations are handled by entrepreneurs who signed our PEFC requirement agreement. We cut trees during waning moon and most of the time when trees are leafless in order to enhance wood preservation. Logs transportation are handled by our own logging truck. Since we care about optimal preservation, lots not intended for immediate sawing will be stored and watered.

scierie approvisionnement

Mastering purchasing, forestry and transportation ensure the origin and the quality of our logs and rough sawn. This way we can answer all our customers’ requirements in a timely manner.

If you own a wood lot, and need advice,
an estimate/ a quote,
researching your wood lot or having your wood cut, feel free to contact us.

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